Merc Minion
- Description
Since 2011 we have had the pleasure of knowing Merc of Minion Glass/Apparel/Skate from when he initially brought his kids Luka and Ezra Stanley to The So-Gnar Snowboard Camp Tour and Shred Circuit competition. Merc has led quite the life from growing up in the southern region of the US to eventually end up in Texas where he started a family with his wife Barb.
It was about 3 1/2 years ago when he realized his kids, his wife and himself have a true passion for the lifestyle of snowboarding, so he up and left Texas to move into the foothills of Boulder, CO where he currently resides.
Merc has had quite the challenge of questioning which one of his skills he wanted to persevere and turn into a career that would keep himself and his family taken care of. A couple of his true talents are skateboarding and being an MC artist, but what he found the strongest path would be is the art of glass blowing.